As a visual artist, I express my worldview through the creation of objects. I make art about the things that occupy my thoughts. I can’t sing or dance and don’t have an epic novel inside of me. Instead, I make things. My art practice is driven by a need to create physical objects that embody […]
The Aging Project
The Aging Project’ is the title of an ongoing body of work about the issues of aging in America. With two sculptures completed, and a third in progress, this is the work in my studio today. Having been a caregiver to aging family members and entering my sixth decade, the subject of aging is more […]
The Foundry Experience – The making of ‘Part D’
Figuring out a way to bring the subject of polypharmacy (see previous blog) into the world as a 3-dimenional object proved a challenging enterprise. I knew I wanted to create a life-size human vessel that would serve as a transparent pill bottle. Housing the pills I had collected inside the figure/bottle would simultaneously serve to […]
The Foundry Experience — The making of ‘Part D’ continued
Although I always maintain that the why of a piece of art is always more important than the how, this process is pretty darn amazing. Computer Numeric Controlled (CNC) milling has been used in manufacturing for decades and with many digital innovations is now common in the art world. The digital data from Connie’s body […]
‘Part D’ Goes on the Road
On the 8-hour drive home from the foundry where Connie had been body scanned for the sculpture to be later known as ‘Part D’, I had a crisis of conscience. Never before had I attempted to create an artwork without ever touching it. Would it be mine? At no point in the somewhat lengthy process […]